Foot Pain – Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the thick band of fibrous tissue (plantar fascia) that attaches your heel to your toes becomes inflamed. The plantar fascia supports the main arch of the foot and provides shock absorption when you take a step.

Plantar Fasciitis - Foot Pain

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis include a stabbing pain usually just in front of the heel which may feel tender when touched. Sometimes this pain extends into the arch on the inside of the foot. This pain tends to be worse first thing in the morning and as you move around. Periods of prolonged standing or standing from sitting can also induce this stabbing pain. Chronic foot pain from plantar fasciitis can be extremely debilitating and prevent people from carrying out all of their activities of daily living.


Certain factors increase the likelihood that people will suffer from plantar fasciitis. If a foot is flat (pes planus) or has a high arch (pes cavus) there is likely to be an increase in the stress on the plantar fascia resulting in the increased stretching and tearing responsible for plantar fasciitis. Occupations such as nursing and heavy industry that involve long periods of standing or walking on hard surfaces also contribute to a higher risk of developing plantar fasciitis.


There are several different treatment options for plantar fasciitis, but many people find relief from an Orthotic insert. The main objective of treatment with an Orthotic is to reduce stress and tension on the plantar fascia which subsequently leads to a reduction in pain. This is achieved with an Orthotic that provides arch support, shock absorption and cushioning at the heel.

The insoles we recommend for plantar fasciitis are: PRIMO (1), POSA (2), PELUCHE (3), PROFILO (4), PURA (5) or PRECISO (6)

The insoles we recommend for plantar fasciitis in children are: PROGENIE


Would you like to know more about common foot pain problems before making a choice? You may find one of the following blog articles useful:


Achilles Tendonitis Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Achilles Tendonitis?’ blog to find out more.

Bunions Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Bunions?’ blog to find out more.

Diabetic Neuropathy Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Diabetic Neuropathy?’ blog to find out more.

Fallen Arches Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Fallen Arches?’ blog to find out more.

Hammer Toes Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Hammer Toes?’ blog to find out more.

Heel Spurs Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Heel Spurs?’ blog to find out more.

Metatarsalgia Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Metatarsalgia?’ blog to find out more.

Osteoarthritis Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Osteoarthritis?’ blog to find out more.

Pes Cavus Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Pes Cavus?’ blog to find out more.

Plantar Fasciitis Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Plantar Fasciitis?’ blog to find out more.

Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction?’ blog to find out more.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Click here to read our ‘Foot Pain – Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?’ blog to find out more.


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